Our Games

Cards: The Attackening!

Cards: The Attackening! was built out of the idea that you could have a deck-building CCG-like game that wouldn’t break the game and wouldn’t require you to learn complex, abstract mathematics in order to work out how to do damage. The first venture by Wanton Walrus, it was successfully Kickstarted in 2015 and marked the first partnership between Josh, Aaron, and Kyle. Praised by critics* for its sense of humor and encouragement of fun, the game is a great fit for groups of friends who are looking for something quick to pick up with a wide variety of possible ways to play.

To learn more about the game, check out the gameplay video below and check out our storefront on The Gamecrafter.

Machinations: Building a Better Apocalypse

Machinations: Building a Better Apocalypse asks, “What if you were a cult leader who knew for a fact that the End was Nigh, but there were also other cult leaders who knew it, too?” Players find themselves leading of one of a wide variety of cults all seeking to end the world through boosting their membership, their might, and, ultimately, the Avatars they worship.

Kitchen Kingdom: Lords of the Culinarium

Kitchen Kingdom: Lords of the Culinarium is a game for 3 – 6 players based on one simple idea: to make the most exotic meals for hungry adventurers before your rivals can. Gather your ingredients and prove yourself the best cook that New Essenmachen has ever seen!

Machinations: Building a Better Apocalypse and Kitchen Kingdom: Lords of the Culinarium are currently in development. A crowdfunding campaign is planned for early 2020, so watch our site and Twitter for all the latest information!